Jablotron GD-04K Universal GSM communicator and controller

Model: JAB_GD-04K
Manufactured by: JABLOTRON
Price:4888 Kč incl. VAT
4040 Kč excl. VAT
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Jablotron GD-04K Universal GSM communicator and controller
The universal GSM communicator and controller GD-04K allows you to report and control the status of various appliances remotely. Control can be done using a standard SMS or ringing. Two power outputs are available for control, which can be status or impulse. For status reporting, the GD-04K has four inputs responding to connection to GND. Activation and deactivation of the input can be reported by SMS, ringing or a combination of both options.

Up to 100 authorized phone numbers can be stored in the device. The GD-04K can be supplemented with a backup battery GD-04A, which ensures function even in the event of a power failure. Function setting can be done by computer using SW GD-Link 2.1.0 (or higher) locally in the US

The GD-04K device makes it possible to use four logical inputs (A to D) to send text information via SMS to set phone numbers and, if necessary, to call them afterwards (ring with a short call). The device also offers two power relay outputs, which can be controlled using preset SMS commands or by free ringing according to settings from saved or unsaved phone numbers.

JABLOTRON GD-04K – návod /cz/

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