PROTRONIX ADS-RH-D duct sensor

Manufactured by: PROTRONIX
Price was:4271 Kč
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ADS-RH-D is a capacitive relative humidity (RH) sensor. It is equipped with an output relay with adjustable switching level and with analog 0-10 V voltage / 0-20 mA (4-20 mA) current output. The measurement is performed periodically after about 8 s. Based on these measurements it is possible to directly control the ventilation, air conditioning and heat recovery units.
  • relative humidity measuring
  • analog voltage / current output
  • output relay
  • fully calibrated
  • long-term stability
ADS-RH-D is a capacitive relative humidity (RH) sensor. It is equipped with an output relay with adjustable switching level and with analog 0-10V voltage / 0- 20mA (4-20mA) current output. The measurement is performed periodically after about 8s.

PROTRONIX ADS-RH-D - user manual

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 25 February, 2020.
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